Арктичко богатство

The arctic land is covered in snow most of the year, for a long time considered to be impossible for human habitation. Over time, the situation has changed, the first settlements appeared, scientists conducted research tirelessly, and huge reserves of natural resources were discovered. But life here is harsh – in winter freezing temperatures can reach – 60 ° C, while the average July temperature was + 3 ° C. There are no trees, only mosses and lichens, and just in some areas, there are small shrubs. But the Arctic is rich in flora and fauna – so it is unusual wildlife: caribou and polar bears, wolves, foxes, weasels and wolverines, a huge number of migratory птице, моржеви, фоке. Дакле, шта и ко би могао да изнервира животиње које су, обучене у костиме суперхероја, узеле оружје у руке? Све ово се може наћи на колутовима Арцтиц Агентс слот фром Мицрогаминг компанија.

Арктичко богатство Ажурирано: Фебруар КСНУМКС, КСНУМКС Аутор: Аамир Берреи