
Do you love the sparkle of jewels? Find plenty of them in Глитз, a game by Williams Interactive. Open the game, and you will see its reels, plus shining gems galore. In this 60 payline game, you will have, too, Wilds, free spins, and the enjoyment of gaming. The reels are arranged in a special way. This is an arrangement which you may have seen in other ВМС игре. Прва два ваљка су најважнија, јер одређују већи део ваших победа. Сваки од њих има КСНУМКС симболе. Други колутови имају више симбола. Све ваше окладе ће бити подељене на линије прва два ваљка, тако да број кованица које можете уложити по окрету може достићи КСНУМКС. У Глитз-у имате много начина да осигурате победу, па очекујте да завршите своје игре не само одушевљене искуством, већ и са доста победа.
The precious gems are all very lucrative. Among them you can recognize a Topaz, an Amethyst, and there will also be Diamonds and Sapphires, plus Emeralds and Rubies, and, not least of all, Dollar Signs among the symbols. To make you stimulated by each win as you play for fun, the game features soft jazz music as background sound whenever you press the Spin button. The graphics are not complicated, but the game has its strengths which will attract you. You can easily recognize the Wild symbol, because it bears the Wild inscription. The Dollar Sign is the game’s Scatter.
Играјте Глитз Слот Онлине - није потребно преузимање
It is interesting that you can activate the free spins round in 3 ways. One of them is enabled when you see 4 of a kind symbols (Gs or Wilds substituting to form combinations) on the first two reels, plus Scatters anywhere on reels 3 to 5. Your reward then is 20 free spins. But if the symbols, Gs or Wilds, do not come up on the first two reels, you will proceed to another screen where a choice is waiting to be made. You will see jewelry boxes to choose from. Keep your fingers crossed for the symbol in your chosen box to have a value higher than that of the symbol on the reels. That means your chosen symbol will land on the reels instead of the symbol that was recently there. The second way of getting to the free spins is when you see 3 Scatters, on reels 3 to 5, so you will get 5 spins and again a choice of a jewelry box. The value of the symbols inside your chosen box will replace the symbols on the first two reels. Yet another way of getting into the free spins round is by having 4 of a kind symbols on reels 1 and 2, which will entitle you to 5 free spins. In all free spins rounds, the Scatter landing on reels 3 to 5 will provide you with more free spins.
Глитз од драгог камења ће имати много тога да понуди у овој игри, па узмите изазов и игру, да сазнате више, уживате у глитзу и победите.

Глитз Ажурирано: Januar 15, 2019 Аутор: Аамир Берреи