Новости о Јацкпот Цитију и касино бонусима

A digital cryptocurrency, Bitcoin had its emergence in 2008. It has not been without controversy, but it continues to grow in popularity.

Along with the rise of this cryptocurrency has come the rise of Bitcoin casinos, which are essentially online


The first thing that comes into your head when you hear the term bounty hunter is probably not cryptocurrency! However, like everything these days, bounty hunting has been modernised with a technological twist, giving it a new meaning in the


A lot more of gambling comes down to mathematics than you might think. It was, after all, due to gambling that the entire theory of probability came about. It’s one of the greatest practical areas for the theory of mathematics,


Лара Крофт је започела свој живот у видео игрицама, али као што сви знамо прешла је на блокбастер филмове са великим успехом. Одатле, њен лик је коришћен у слот играма и кратким веб серијама.

Plenty of other


From the humble beginnings of casinos in backwater saloons, to casinos being brought into the homes of millions of users – thanks to the power of the internet – the casino industry has changed once more thanks to the advancement


Devices using the Android mobile operating system have been around since 2008, when Linux-based technology was first seen on the HTC Dream. Since then, they’ve been getting better and better, with updates frequently being rolled out. These are named alphabetically


Брзи напредак у мобилној и цасино технологији значи да данас готово сватко може ићи на интернет и играти праве касино игре на свом таблету или паметном телефону.

Of all of the available casino games for mobile, one of the most


Ако сте заљубљеник у казино, шансе су да сте чули за Дон Џонсона; не глумац, Атлантиц Цити легенда која је освојила милионе долара Машина за коцкање without counting cards. If you haven’t heard his story, settle in


Autism is a very complex disorder, and new research brings more understanding all the time. There are instances of splinter skills, such as the ability to perform complex equations quickly or to know exactly how many items there are in


Ако сте икада видели рулет table, you’ve probably noticed that there are 2 distinct areas in the betting track on the felt. There are words, numbers, and colours, and it can all be a bit confusing to new players.


James Packer’s name is certainly familiar among those in the high-powered world of business and investment, but it is not one that is well known among players. This is a pity, as Packer is the driving force behind Crown Limited,


There are many alumni in the celebrated world of the gaming industry. Unlike other professional industries, however, there aren’t many organisations that look at the movers and the shakers of the gaming industry who innovate and promote the good values


Упркос огромној популарности слотова, столне игре и даље држе своју позицију у касинима широм света. У неким земљама чак привлаче више играча него што играју аутомати.

We had a look to see which table games get


There is a growing trend of celebrity casino endorsements. Even though some players might be excited to see their favourite famous face plastered all over a casino, the trend does have its pros and cons.

Можда се питате да ли


New Year’s Resolutions. We all make them. Who doesn’t want to improve their lives in some way or another? In fact, in a recent survey of 400 people aged from 18 to over 55 in the Велика Британија и


Шест филмова из Бонд-а се одвијају у казину или имају бар неке сцене које укључују касино игре. Изгледа да сам Јамес воли да игра Бакара, али ЈацкпотЦити је открио да је и он играо Рулет,


Paying for something is the final step before the product or service that you have earmarked as something that you want, need, or have-to-have becomes yours. A true passion killer at any checkout point is not being able to pay


Did you know there are legal methods you can use to gain an edge over the online casino to increase your chances of success? Players who use these methods are called Advantage Players, or APs, and today we’ll take a


Мобилне игре могу да обезбеде сате потенцијално уносне забаве – када знате шта радите. Међутим, многи нови играчи су направили неколико основних грешака које их, на крају, доводе у питање свој здрав разум и потпуно их одбијају од игара.


If you’re the type of person who likes to take trips, purely for the sake of experiencing world class gambling, then this is the list for you. There are, after all, a number of places globally that claim to offer


Међу стварима које никада не изненађују ауторитете казина су креативни начини на које играчи варају када играју игрице. Један од најзапаженијих недавних случајева је случај Радослава Скубника.

In June 2016, a Singapore court


Mobile casino gaming is the latest new trend to hit the iGaming world. While all the new-fangled lingo like ‘apps’, ‘Flash’ and ‘Java’ might come naturally to Millennials in particular, there are many new terms that online casino players may


Online gambling is a global phenomenon. It doesn’t matter where you go in the world, chances are you will come across people gambling on their computers, tablets and smartphones. This is on top of the thousands of land-based gambling resorts


The term high roller has been in our modern parlance for years now. It is a term with a diverse range of meanings to people, both positive and negative. It essentially refers to a lifestyle of luxury, living every day


Compared to London, Paris, and Rome, Las Vegas is a relatively young city. Despite this, it became the world’s gaming and entertainment capital in the space of a few decades.

Also known as Sin City, its reputation for indulgence, opulence,


Црапс can look like a very complicated game, but there’s actually a beautiful and sophisticated simplicity to it. The more you play it the more you will see that for yourself, and the better your understanding of how the numbers


In today’s technologically driven world, people are consistently being replaced in the working environment with robots or robotics. With many manufacturers like car plants or other production lines having changed to automated and robotic assistance to increase product output and


Not many people can do without the Adobe Flash Player, and why would you even want to try? The old standard, established as such an essential tool for the internet so long ago allows you to stream all kinds of


Привлачан свет онлине коцкања се током година брзо развијао, што је довело до изузетно великог броја онлине коцкарница које су доступне играчима широм света.

With a large number of options available, it is


If you think about classic slot games, chances are you will have images of fruit in your head. The relationship between slots and fruit go back many years. In fact, fruit machines are still some of the most popular type
